Puede que prefiráis una, otra o que ambas os produzcan el mismo grado de antipatía. Si es así, no temáis. He tratado de recortar vuestro tiempo de ansiedad a menos de 4 minutos en total.
Esta es la bobina de mis trabajos como director/guionista:
Y esta la de los trabajos como actor (no os autoflageléis si observáis similitudes):
Here you can see my 2014 updated works. There are two reels: the first one focused on my writer and director works, and the second one focused on my works as an actor.
Maybe you will prefer the first one, or maybe the second one, or perhaps both of them make you feel the same degree of antipathy. In that case, don't be afraid; your anxiety time will only last 4 minutes.
The first reel shows my writer and director works:
The second reel shows me as an actor (don't flagellate yourselves if you find similarities between them):