Uno de los grandes privilegios que considero que tiene el
estar detrás de las cámaras para contar una historia, es que te permite entrar
en mundos que son desconocidos para ti y formar parte de ellos durante un
tiempo absorbiendo todo lo que te pueden dar.
En este caso, la historia me cautivó, sus personajes me
enseñaron y el mundo que los envolvía me permitió reflexionar mucho más de lo
que había imaginado cuando empecé la aventura. Ahora solo espero haber cumplido
bien mi cometido como espejo para mostrarlo a los que nada saben de él.
A week ago,
my last film started his way around the world. It is a documentary called “Eternal”.
I’m really happy of having working on it. It has been a long and sometimes
difficult work, but I definitely think I have learnt a lot of it, not only professionally
but also personally. From each person involved in this wonderful experience I
have learnt things that will stay with me forever.
One of the
most important honors for a filmmaker is being able to enter into unknown
worlds and becoming part of them for a period of time, learning whatever you can
from them.
In this
case, the story attracted me, their characters learnt me, and the world surrounding
them let me think about more than I had imagined when I started this film. Now I
only hope to have been a good mirror to reflect what I learned to people who
don’t know this particular world.
Ayer tuve la ocasión de verlo y sinceramente me encantó. En apenas 20 minutos, has sabido captar la esencia de la Geriatría. creo que tu trabajo sirve para desmitificar la idea de vejez como dejadez. Un saludo y ánimo.